Gading Kencana was founded on the basic tenet of environmental sustainability and improvement. Wherever possible and in any way, we are committed to reducing the negative impact on the environment. Whether it is by promoting and advising on best energy usage practices to reduce wastage by industries, commercial and domestic and the use of Renewable Energy in power generation.

It is our policy to devise company- wide practices and procedure that minimize energy wastage, waste of material and other resources. We will ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibility toward the environment and encourage them to participate in the improvement of our environment and green practices. At a minimum, it is expected that the operations of the company will not harm the environment. We are committed to finding new ways to reduce wastage in energy and equipment use, material and labor consumption.
As part of our commitment to protect the environment and its resources, the management and staff of the Gading Kencana Group will continue to maintain and improve our current practices and procedures including but not limited to:
a) Having a site management plan that will ensure that appropriate procedures are in place to safeguard the health and safety of both people and the environment;
b) Maintaining all equipment and plant in good order to optimize the appropriate use of power resources especially those that have a direct effect on the well-being of people and the environment;
c) Not investing in idle or low usage equipment;
d) Choosing methods and procedures that have the least possible potential to harm people and environment;
e) Promoting usable, recyclable or made from recycled materials office supplies;
f) No trashing used material and items, donate books or equipment that could be of benefit to someone else;
g) Recycling old office furniture and equipment;
h) Having a recycle bin and encourage its use;
i) Reducing paper waste, recycle paper, print on both sides of paper;
j) Sharing printed file with co-workers to cut back on how many copies to be printed;
k) Sharing documents electronically with co-workers;
l) Using energy saving light;
m) Using natural lights if it is an option;
n) Turning off electrical equipment when not in use;
o) Turning computers and electronic devices completely off instead of setting them on standby mode when they are not in use;
p) Filling the office pantry or break room with reusable dishes and utensils;
q) Using reusable water bottles and mugs at work;
r) Handling and disposing of all waste chemicals and solutions in an appropriate manner to eliminate pollution;
s) Using non-toxic cleaning product.